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Are Leaders Still Readers?

Reading is an essential leadership skill. But with so many distractions—Netflix, social media—reading may be on the decline. James Neider, clinical operations manager, shares strategies for adopting a reading habit that will make you a better leader.

How to Practice Self-compassion for Resilience and Well-being

We can be so hard on ourselves. Contributors from the Resiliency Center share how self-compassion, the practice of being kind and fair to yourself during times of stress, can improve your well-being and resilience.

Adapting and Improving Through Adversity

Almost one year ago the novel coronavirus turned longstanding educational approaches on their heads. Savvy educators responded to the challenge. Learn how U of U Health Medical School faculty pivoted to online learning in just three days, improving long-term education decision-making along the way.

Patient Voices: Four Ways to Build Trust with Your Transgender Patients

Everyone needs health care at some point in their lives. But for a person who is transgender, gender diverse, or part of the LGBTQ+ community (or both), navigating the health care experience can be fraught with challenges because of their outward expression and internal sense of gender. To create safer, more affirming spaces, we asked patients themselves for their guidance.

Meeting the Behavioral Health Needs of Our Communities

Primary care is often the first place a patient in crisis goes for help. Providers, social workers, and administrators in the Community Physician Group are working to help struggling patients by integrating mental health services into primary care interactions.

Webside Manner: Three Core Competencies to Master

Just because we use technology every day doesn’t necessarily make us excellent virtual care providers. Melissa Briley, physician assistant at Redstone Health Center, shares three core competencies needed to master the delivery of high quality virtual care.

Confronting Our Racism with Intention and Action

Meaningful change requires intention and action. In this "One U" spinoff series, University of Utah Equity, Diversity and Inclusion leaders Mary Ann Villarreal and José Rodríguez translate powerful insights from Friday Forum national thought leaders for our local health care frontline teams.

Small Goals Can Help You Get to Great Heights

Setting goals is part of human nature, and the beginning of a new year always seems to accelerate it. Senior Value Engineer Cindy Spangler provides a framework for breaking down larger goals into smaller, more manageable steps so you’re set up for success.

If COVID-19 is a Marathon, How Do I Get to the Finish Line?

Lifelong runner and psychologist Megan Call shares six practical strategies that work for all of us, non-runners included.

We’re in This Together: Making Tough Decisions Easier

The realities of COVID-19 have impacted visitor policies, creating challenges for patients and moral distress for staff. Jennifer Jones, nurse manager, has developed several approaches for leaders and staff to work through the tough decisions the updated visitor policy is forcing.

Three Lessons from Training Llamas

A weekend adventure with his son to hike with llamas at Capitol Reef National park reminded Senior Value Engineer Luca Boi about the value of good training. Here he describes three llama-derived, human-centered principles for providing a more reliable patient experience.

How to SOLVE the Hidden Curriculum Conundrum: Student-led Reform

Medical students Rachel Tsolinas and Sam Wilkinson, along with SOM professor Kathryn Moore, share a practical tool all health care professionals can use to broaden our understanding of how culture influences decisions and events.