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Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy by Creating a Circle of Trust

Covid-19 shined a bright light on disparate access to information and health care for marginalized communities. University of Utah Physician Assistant Wagma Mohmand and Utah Muslim Civic League’s Luna Banuri share how they are building on trust to vaccinate and support Utah’s Muslims through the pandemic.

Why, How and Where to Disseminate Your Improvement Project

Sharing what you learned from your improvement project is the final step in the evidence-based practice (EBP) process.

Preventing Intimate Partner Violence

Health care professionals are not usually trained how to prevent Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)—only how to react/take care of patients when they have experienced it. The University of Utah Health’s Trauma and Injury Prevention team in collaboration with the Office of Network Development and Telehealth Education team are working to change this by training health care professionals to prevent IPV.

How to Practice Three Good Things

Mindfulness educators Trinh Mai, Jean Whitlock, and Rob Davies guide us through a quick and simple exercise for reducing burnout and increasing well-being by remembering positive experiences and reflection.

The 2020 Pause

Pause practices are frequently used in the medical setting immediately following a traumatic event. The Resiliency Center’s Jean Whitlock shares a pause practice for 2020 to help teams recognize how far they’ve come—so we can all move forward together.

How are we doing? Three Questions for Team Reflection

Taking time to reflect after a crisis is crucial for recovery. The Resiliency Center’s Jean Whitlock shares a helpful exercise for teams to recognize and normalize their experiences, fostering a culture of well-being in the workplace.

When Rubber Hits the Road: Applying Evidence in Clinical Decision Making

The next step in the evidence-based practice (EBP) process is to apply findings to clinical decision making—implementing the EBP project.

Understanding Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches

Quantitative and qualitative methods are the engine behind evidence-based knowledge. Tallie Casucci, Gigi Austria, and Barbara Wilson provide a basic overview of how to differentiate between the two.

Acknowledging Emotional Pain Is An Act of Inclusion

There’s a better way to respond to colleagues who share experiences about discrimination in society or the workplace. Preston Dahlgren, senior nursing director, relies on his master’s degree in marriage and family therapy to address the importance of validating emotions during hard conversations.

7 Essential Elements of Suicide Care

A step-by-step discussion of the 7 elements of suicide care.

How to Disclose Medical Errors and Unanticipated Outcomes

When a medical error occurs, every provider needs to know how to share this information with patients and families. Timely and clear disclosure builds trust and reduces the risk of litigation. Follow this practical strategy to guide your conversation, provided by an interdisciplinary team of providers and risk managers.

How to Conduct a Literature Search

Librarian Tallie Casucci and college of nursing leader Barb Wilson review the steps to conduct a literature search, as well as provide some local resources to help if you get stuck.