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Learning to Be Mindful and Present in Most Moments

When life gets busy, it’s easy to forget what keeps us grounded and therefore more satisfied with life. Sydney Ryan reflects on the importance of making time for yourself and prioritizing what is important for you. She explains simple, deliberate actions that have made a difference in her work and her life.

Coaching vs Mentoring: When and How To Get Started

When do I need a mentor and when do I need a coach? Utah Coaching Advancement Network (UCAN) co-director Tony Tsai partners with physicians Jared Henricksen, Amy Locke and Ryan Murphy to explore the benefits of professional career coaching in carving your own career path—along with the added benefit of fostering a sense of community, purpose and belonging.

Incorporating Wellness and Integrative Health into Your Practice

From the moment a patient steps into a doctor’s office, we’re trained to ask one question: “What is this patient’s primary problem?” Rebecca Wilson Zingg, Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine and Assistant Professor in the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Division, shares how a lens on integrative health and wellness can supplement conventional medical practice and this problem-based approach.

Moving from Reactive to Proactive: Safety 2.0

Safety as a value requires a cultural shift, not just getting people to talk about patient safety but to know how it impacts everything we do. U of U Health’s Director of Patient Safety Iona Thraen draws from the personal to highlight a system-based approach for moving from reactive to proactive patient safety.

This Is What I See, What Do You See?

Continually speaking up is one of the most challenging things an employee does, and making it safe to speak up takes consistent supportive leadership. Members of the patient support services team share how to empower employees to highlight issues and provide solutions.

The Experience That Changed My Life

Senior Nursing Director Rita Aguilar shares how a pivotal medical experience at the age of 17 sparked her interest in becoming a nurse. Years later, Rita is applying the same level of compassion and support she received from that experience to encourage others in seeking a career in health care and diversifying the medical field.

What is Digital Transformation in Health Care?

Health care delivery is ripe for digital disruption. How are we preparing for the future at U of U Health? Chief Information Officer Donna Roach outlines the path forward and what it takes to transform health care to meet an increasingly digital future.

How to Find (or Reignite) Your Inspiration

After a year like none other, feeling inspired and motivated takes hard work. Interim Chief Operating Officer Alison Flynn Gaffney walks us through how to find and reignite inspiration and motivation.

What Happens When Reliable Isn’t Reliable?

Senior value engineer Cindy Spangler is back to share how a few simple improvement tips enable processes to reach new levels of reliability.

Maybe It’s Not PTSD, But It’s Not Nothing

“I don’t like feeling angry, I don't want to feel this way all the time.”  Community partner and licensed clinical social worker Jean Whitlock shares the importance of tending to stress injuries as a result of prolonged pandemic strain.

Don’t Ignore That Pebble in Your Shoe

Senior Value Engineer Luca Boi considers the link between well-being and problem-solving by examining our impulse to “continuously cope” rather than “continuously improve.”

Women's Week at the U: Shift. Strive. Thrive.

Join the University of Utah community as we celebrate Women's Week. This year’s Women’s Week will validate and acknowledge the struggles we have been experiencing over the past two years and explore the ways we are shifting, striving, and thriving to become stronger as we emerge to a new future.