If you can identify the small things that make big impacts, you may be able to quickly make some big wins while decreasing stress, increasing a feeling of control, and helping to build a culture of wellbeing.
Amy Locke

Most Recent
Decluttering: A Clear Path Towards Wellness

Osher Center for Integrative Health wellness programs manager Britta Trepp and employee wellness team graduate assistant Rachel Krahenbuhl share recent research findings that suggest decluttering the spaces where we live and work can have a positive impact on our personal success and well-being.

Instilling Hope and Compassion with Patients

How can we put compassion for ourselves and others at the center of what we do? Second year medical student Tanner Nelson interviews pediatric ophthalmologist Griffin Jardine to share how he helps to install hope and compassion with his patients, and himself.

Investing in Empathy: The Power of 15 Minutes

Empathy is our cognitive ability to understand, communicate, and respond to another person’s perspectives, experiences, and concerns. Pediatrician Diane Liu reflects on the very real challenges of nurturing empathy in the face of the relentless demands of practice.

Podcast Episode 104: Dying with Dignity

Co-hosts Peter Weir and RyLee Curtis talk to Dr. John Hendrick from the University of Utah Health about palliative and hospice care. They also talk to Jillian Olmstead and Kellie Mieremet from The INN Between, an incredible local community organization providing end-of-life care for those experiencing homelessness.

The Act of Eating Together: Commensality Groups and Provider Well-being

Commensality Groups bring together a group of people for a meal to have discussions, learn from one another, and foster a sense of connection amongst peers. Internist and Pediatrician Margaret Solomon shares how she started a Commensality Group for providers at University of Utah Health and the benefits it gave her and her peers.

Prescribing Mindfulness in Clinical Settings

With so much going on around the world and in our daily lives, our brains are constantly in overdrive. Mindfulness educator and social worker Trinh Mai explores what practitioners across U of U Health and the VA are doing to help their patients and teammates take a mental break and respond courageously in these times.

8 Stories That Connected in 2022 – A Community Thank You

Accelerate Learning Community has now grown to exceed more than half a million learners from across the world! Each month, we average around 30,000 visitors who learn about health care equity, improvement, leadership and resilience from U of U Health faculty, staff, students, and trainees. Continuing our annual tradition of giving thanks, we’re celebrating the eight most popular national articles and local favorites in 2022.

No Really, How Are You?

Emergency Medicine physician Megan Fix shares her personal story of how the simple act of a colleague asking, “No really, how are you?” changed her life.

Setting the Stage for Psychological Safety: 6 Steps for Leaders

Creating psychological safety for your team is a process that takes time, vulnerability from you as a leader, and collaboration from others. Psychiatrists Jen O’Donohoe and Kristi Kleinschmit share 6 practical next steps for when psychological safety might be a little off on your team.

Why Practice Gratitude at Work

While Americans are less likely to express gratitude at work than anywhere else, it’s sorely needed – especially in health care. Associate professor/lecturer of social work Trinh Mai explains the importance of gratitude and shares tips for incorporating it into your routine.

When Emotions Run High, Here's How to Respond

Health care is full of high emotion—especially right now. Thankfully, there’s a simple framework we can follow to de-escalate with compassion. Hospitalist and UACT co-director Claire Ciarkowski introduces NURSE: a simple mnemonic for responding with empathy.

Say Goodbye to Physical Stress with These Three Tips

Stress manifests itself physically in the body. Throughout the past year, we’ve all been exhibiting stress physically to varying degrees. Tasha shares exercises and tips to reduce the physical manifestation of stress.