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How to Implement Age-Friendly Care

No matter how old your patient is, practicing age-friendly care is important to help people meet their health goals. Geriatrician Tim Farrell guides us through age-friendly care and shares how everyone can start implementing age-friendly care practices.

Mindfulness in Medicine Toolkit

The U of U Health Resiliency Center shares a list of resources you and your team can use to practice mindfulness and increase your well-being.

Mindfulness in Medicine

In the medical field, science and skill are paramount, but what about the crucial art of dealing with grief and loss? Physician David Sandweiss shares his transformative mindfulness journey through the profound impact of presence and compassion, and how it has reshaped his approach to patients.

Management Reporting: How to Become an Expert in Your Local Finances

Navigating budgets and finance can be a daily responsibility for managers, which is not always an easy task. Finance experts Casey Moore and Robert Dickson share the importance of and best practices for Management Reporting and how it can help you become a better leader.

How to Support Your Teams When Bad Things Happen

Resiliency Center Director Megan Call and Chief Wellness Officer Amy Locke share evidence-based discussion points and strategies for leaders to support their teams with during challenging times.

Practice Emotional PPE

We have personal protective equipment (PPE) for our body–but what about our mind? Huntsman Cancer Institute nurse manager Cassidy Kotobalavu has lead training on the concept of emotional contagion–how good (and bad) emotions spread. Here are Cassidy’s expert tips (with slides) on managing emotional contagion in health care.

Beginner’s Guide to Employee Engagement Data

How do I share employee engagement feedback with my team? Chief Wellness Officer Amy Locke, Resiliency Center director Megan Call, Utah Health Academics HR leader Sarah Wilson, and Organizational Development Director Chris Fairbank explain when and how to talk with your team.

Finance 101: Basic Terminology

Finance can provoke anxiety among professionals, many of whom were never trained in finance, yet now find themselves responsible for contributing to the overall financial well-being of our system. Finance leaders Casey Moore and Clint Reid offer a basic vocabulary to help establish a shared financial language at University of Utah Health.

Mindful Eating: Slow Down and Taste Your Food

Physician David Sandweiss shares the transformative power of mindful eating in the chaos of health care. Amidst the hurried pace and stressful conditions, health care professionals can find solace in savoring each bite with intention, bringing gratitude to their meals, and rediscovering the joy of food. Learn how this practice offers moments of tranquility in the midst of clinical chaos.

Unwrap Toxic Positivity

For many of us, focusing only on the positive—at the expense of experiencing a negative emotion—has been taught and expected. But why not adapt and learn from something so unique as an authentic human emotion? Chief Human Resources Officer Christian Sherwood shares learning from psychologist Susan David.

How to Meaningfully Address Race and Identity With Your Patients

Sometimes, just listening really helps. U of U Health patient Andrea Garavito Martinez and family physician Erika Sullivan discuss how physicians can meaningfully address health impacts of racism and identity with their patients.

University of Utah Health Department of Nursing Strategic Priorities

Chief Nursing Officer Tracey Nixon walks us through the Department of Nursing Strategic Priorities to explain what it is, how it works, and why it matters to you.