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PRACTICING: Drs. Graves and Horton (Episode 1)

Real teams are the antidote to the chaos of modern medicine. “Real teams know each other, feel loyalty to one another, trust one another, and would not want to disappoint one another” (Tom Lee, NEJM Catalyst 2016). Practicing are conversations between real team members about why the work matters. Our goal is to preserve and share the stories of the teams at University of Utah Healthcare.

Tom Lee Exclusive

Chief Medical Officer of Press Ganey Tom Lee reminds us that value does not happen by accident, and good intentions are not enough. The goal of improving value has to be a major focus for everyone in an organization.

What the Hard Work of Bundled Care Really Looks Like

It’s clear that fee-for-service health care isn't working—so what alternative payment model does?

Online Reviews

Publishing patient comments on our website was and is more than a marketing or improvement strategy. It is about our system’s relationship with patients.

Revolution Comes To Health Care

The American health care system currently faces changes that will require rearranging, if not dismantling, long-held care delivery processes. We see three concurrent forces disrupting traditional care delivery.

Lessons From The Frontlines

What makes an expert? Best-selling author Malcolm Gladwell gave 10,000 hours as a threshold for expertise. While our University Hospital Customer Service Team isn’t at 10,000 hours, they addressed nearly 2,000 patient concerns this past year. When asked how they do it, Program Assistant Michael Bown offers these top five tools to successfully navigate a phone complaint.

Curating Value: Archiving Utah's Exceptional Improvement Work

For years, the Exceptional Value Annual Report documented the performance of the organization on all 45 of the key initiatives identified in the Operational Plan.

What Can Other States Learn from Utah about Delivering Great Health Care?

Utah “holds a unique distinction” when it comes to health care, according to a special report by the New England Journal of Medicine.

Cracking the Code on Better, More Affordable Care

Health care organizations and providers have some understanding what they charge for care. But nationally, providers have a “complete lack of understanding” about the costs of health care, according to Michael Porter, Ph.D., and Robert Kaplan, Ph.D., ("The Big Idea: How to Solve the Cost Crisis in Health Care").

Ideas From The Brain Trust

Health care is made up of people — creative, passionate people with big ideas who are often too busy to learn from one another.


Where community health meets health care delivery innovation.

Why Does Wait Time Matter?

Waiting is such a firmly entrenched feature of healthcare that it is often taken as a given and not recognized for the disrespect it conveys.