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Teamwork Must-have: Compelling Vision

Accelerate frequently chronicles the hard work of building and nurturing teams because we believe that real teams are the antidote to the chaos of modern medicine (in the words of Dr. Tom Lee). Here, we highlight a necessary ingredient of high-performing teams: compelling vision.

The Effective Communicator: Sticking the Landing

The Effective Communicator is back to answer your troublesome communication questions. This week: how to keep your audience's attention.

Standard Work in Health Care: Examples (Part 2)

Last time in the Dojo, the topic was standard work. This time, Steve gives local examples of great standard work within our walls. Though we still have a long way to go, we’re off to a great start.

Cynthia McComber’s Antidote to Uncertainty

Positive beliefs build energy, caring and creativity and can increase resilience and influence bottom line results.* As senior director of endoscopy, medical and specialty clinics, Cynthia McComber believes that meaning is necessary for leading change. McComber talked with Accelerate’s Chrissy Daniels about how to build connected, authentic and resilient teams.

Five Ways to Cultivate Empathy

We have learned that wisdom from the community comes in many forms. Sometimes the most interesting perspectives appear in the comments as a footnote to a peer's post. Here are five ways to cultivate empathy—curated wisdom from the comments.

The Bobcast with Dr. Diane Liu

With trademark warmth and candor, pediatrician Diane Liu reflects, “I wasn’t always patient-centered.” In this podcast, Chief Medical Quality Officer Bob Pendleton follows Dr. Liu's journey of self-discovery that began with one person’s suffering—her grandmother—to her current work empowering future physicians with the knowledge, skills and compassion to transform health care.

Value Improvement Leaders (VIL): Course Archives

Value Improvement Leaders (VIL) is a 13 week leadership course offered at University of Utah Health that teaches the skills needed to provide sponsorship and leadership for value improvement work. Principles taught are taken from Lean, Six Sigma, and PDSA methodologies. The course explains theory, provides healthcare examples of many specific leadership techniques, and uses an applied learning model. Not everyone can take the course, but everyone can follow along with the lesson plan.

Standard Work in Health Care vs Manufacturing (Part 1)

Today in the Dojo, Steve discusses how standard work in health care differs from standard work in manufacturing environments. If that’s not enticement enough, the post contains some macro-economics, and a touch of linguistics.

Four Leadership Lessons Medical School Didn’t Teach Me

When dermatologist Dr. Stephanie Klein proposed a clinic for urgent skin care needs, she thought it would be easy. Reserve the clinic rooms, schedule the appointments—done! She quickly found out that moving from idea to reality would require leadership skills that she hadn’t been taught in medical training and ten years of practice. Accelerate’s Mari Ransco found out how Klein transformed from busy clinician to leader.

Just-in-Time Information with Ken Kawamoto

If Apple Maps and Garmin can provide just-in-time information, why can’t health care? Lots of legitimate reasons, but we’re making significant strides. This week, the Dojo goes moto as Ken Kawamoto, Associate Chief Medical Information Officer and Director of Knowledge Management and Mobilization, helps us understand how we’re creating better information at the right time.

Practicing (Episode 3): Linda Tyler and Erin Fox

Real teams are the antidote to the chaos of modern medicine. “Real teams know each other, feel loyalty to one another, trust one another, and would not want to disappoint one another” (Tom Lee, NEJM Catalyst 2016). Practicing are conversations between real team members about why the work matters. Our goal is to preserve and share the stories of the teams at University of Utah Healthcare.

Unraveling Payment: 556 Days to Payment

We asked Zac Watne, Utah’s payment innovation manager (he gets paid to understand the volatile world of payment reform) to give us a primer on “bundles.” Regardless of change happening in health care, thought leaders predict that payment reform, and specifically, bundled payments, are here to stay. Why? Bundles deliver care with improved outcomes at a lower price all over the United States. In this post, Zac addresses how long it takes to get paid.